Base Install
Read and follow the installation guide carefully.
Read and follow the installation guide carefully.
Export/Import Package
Read and follow the installation guide carefully.
GUI Installer
This is an optional package that changes your GUI, if you’d like to try a different one.
Includes Litcube’s GUIs and TrixX’s LU GUIs.
Forum banner.

This would go in your signature:
Other Tools
- Comprehensive editors for LU files (includes weapon stats, for example). Requires excel. I’m running 360, but they may work in older versions. Data accurate to LUV1.6.2
- Map of the Litcube’s Universe.
- LU Rainmeter skin V1.4
- LU G19 LCD Host plugin
LU G19 LCD Host Plugin
Tahlmorra’s Installation Guide
- X-Studio I custom syntax. Just throw this in your X-Studio folder and it will read the syntax. Data accurate to LUV1.6.2
Linux Fixes
- File to remove artifacting of suns with lense flares on Linux (Only compatible with LU! Do not attempt to use it with IEX+LUVi)
- TSuns Removed Lense Flares (Credit to idont for the files creation)
Faster OCV expansion
Use this TShip file to make the OCV expand faster.
Make a new folder in your X3 AP /addon folder and name it “types” (without quotation marks). Copy this file there, start a new game and you should be good to go. The OCV will advance about one sector a day with this file, so while it’s not the blitzkrieg of the earlier LU versions it should speed things up a bit.
If you want to uninstall, just delete the /types folder you made and start a new game.